Its only taken my two months but here I am posting again.
Well I just finished it. And I loved it. Some folks are bitching but I loved it. All yall haters can shove it up your ass! And to those bitches who tried to spoil the ending last night- you can suck on a bag of dicks! I had my headphones on listening to The Prizoner of Azkaban. So I just turned that up and went on my merry way.
Now I feel ok about going out into the world again. I was so afraid someone would spoil me.
Damn, you read fast! I just started, but I think I'm going to wait until after work, so I can relish it with fewer interuptions, plus a certain someone hasn't reread book 6, and I want to wait until he can read it too, so I don't have to worry about being a spoiler. But who am i kidding? 'm totally going to read it as soon as I get home!
I refused to leave the house or touch the computer from the time I got home with my book. Nobody and I mean NOBODY was about to ruin it for me!
And I loved it too. :^)
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