I have a very big problem.
Usually I'm a very monogamous person. I think it comes from my ability to to be very focused. But now I have three things I want to be doing and I can't do them all at once!
On Thursday night I cast on for both my very own moebius scarf with the Silky Malabrigo I bought, AND for the February Lady Sweater. The silky malabrigo is absolutely wonderful. I love the colors and I love knitting with it. This is the third time I have made this pattern, so now its totally mindless. The FLS is pretty mindless too. Right now I'm about four inches into it, its all just garter stitch one row and garter stitch with increases on the second row.
Part of the problem is the silky malabrigo... Have you ever watched a show on DVD when you loved it so much you wanted to make it last so you tried to watch it like a real show- just one episode a week? Especially when its the only or last season? But you are dying to know what happens?
I want to wear this scarf so bad... but I don't want to ever stop working with the pretty colors and the nice nice yarn.
Fun fact about me- pretty much any yarn that is half silk half wool is going to make me happy. I can't get enough of that sheen!
I really really want to wear the FLS too. But I am committed to having a sweater that I am 100% happy with, so I know that I will probably be ripping back at some point, so I'm trying not to get too attached to what I have now. Once I hit the lace I think everything will be smooth sailing, but its really important to get the size right of the yoke right. I don't want to make a table with wobbly legs that is going to annoy me every time I use it just for the sake of making a table.
The third drain on my time is... reading Twilight.
There I said it! I'm so in love with this book. I know its terrible for me, complete brain fluff. Even more so than the trashy historical romances that I usually read, but I can't help it. I sit there reading, thinking about how stupid some of the things sound- and I don't care! I just get all caught up in the romance of it.
Its funny... I have never read a book that I wanted to savor. But this one I do. I stopped reading at a reasonable hour last night, when usually I want to stay up til I'm done. I think its because the chapters are nice and long and they stop at good points. I want to know what happens next, but there isn't a cliffhanger that needs to be answered. For all that I'm spoiled about what happens in the very end of the series (I read the wikipedia article when the last book came out) I have no idea about what happens in this book or in the other two.
Also I need to do a bunch of other things this weekend, like clean. I also want to see Quantum of Solace. But I am going to see HSM3 tonight for my cousin's birthday, and we are going to see Mamma Mia on Sunday at the Kentucky Center. I also want to put some cold air stopping plastic up on our front windows- them things is drafty. I think Chris is planning on going to see all three Back to the Futures tonight at Baxter. The first one starts at ten. I'm sorry but that is my bedtime. Ooo mental note, Paul Rudd on SNL tonight, must Tivo.
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