Babysat again today... them kids just about kicked my ass. It was fine for the first few hours. It was just me and the little girl. We watched the morning lineup on PBS, part of it while she was laying sprawled on me. Loved it! Read about becoming a Pirate. Then she fixed my hair for a half an hour with her Barbie "hair dryer" and comb. Loved it! I love love LOVE to have my hair played with. It puts me a trance. Then we henced to the duck pond to feed the ducks, that weren't there. So we fed the fish.
Then the mom went and got the boy. We played outside whilst she painted up stairs. "Push me, push me!" "hold on I've got to see why your brother is screaming bloody murder." "push me awsin!" Repeat. The mom had to leave again to pick up the middle child (14) and the little boy started Fa-reaking Out! Everything set him off. It was nap time. I wasn't sure if he was a comfort or plop em and leave em napper, so I picked comfort. Wrong. But so nice. I was rocking him with his head firmly betwix my boosoms. That lovely hot baby feeling. Loved it. He wouldn't let me put him down so I just let him go about his business. After a diaper change and a snack he was a lot better. The girl on the other hand, full on leg kicking tantrum. "Just let me know when your done and we can get some juice" Much wagoning until mom got home and I got out of there.
thumbs up- cute fun kids, mucho moneyo,
thumbs down- no nap on my day off, flop flops are not walking shoes, major sunburn on my face
I didn't even get to sleep in today as I had to drive Topher all the way out to Grant Line Rd this morning for the second time this week because his car is in the shop. And he will have to drop me off and take mine tomorrow. My poor car already has something wrong with it (hell if I know what it is) this can't be good for it, especially not the way he drives.
Still working on the Sweet tart socks. My new Sockotta keeps looking at me from the stash, even though I want to do the Jaywalkers.