Rock Out With Your Sock Out

now spinning right round like a record

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My name is Allison and I'm a Doctor Who addict. The whole time i had the house to myself, it was all The Doctor, all the time. I can't help it. We were watching Heros last night and I could not turn off the squee when ever Christopher Eccleston appeared with his Manchester accent. And he isn't even MY Doctor. That is Ten and not Nine. Though after seeing all the first new series, he has really grown on me. Yall, this is worse than LOTR. That only has about 24 hours of movie, this has 28 hours of episodes!

In knitting news- I finished the other mitt this morning. My hat is almost done, but I need to get 8 dpns (size not amount). Need to get more bleepin Wooly Stripes for the thum, and I guess I will make her a ear warmer too. I'm at a loss for my next big thing. Maybe a Perfect Sweater? I liked the one on the new post of Mason Dixon. Not with the wristwarmer option though. I get a bit twitchy when things are touching the back of my hands.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Yall- They freaking MADE IT. They are going to New York! And I am so going too! World Series of Pop Culture- Look out here comes the White Russians!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Wow Yall I'm at fifty posts! Go me.

First up in the world of knitting, I finished that hat the next morning, and I love it. I;m so proud of my fair ilsin'. I showed it to my mom and she said it was nice. I'm like "see it color changes?" because she isn't giving my hat the praise it deserves. It takes a few times of me saying things for her to get that I made the colors change and not the yarn doing it itself. Then she said Wow and all that. I like the hat, I love to pet it just not wear it. It is supposed to be small but it sides up off my head. I love my non wearable hat, I really do. Also I made it to the top of Mom's other mitten with just a foot of yarn to go- bad news is I still have to do the thumb. sad face. I whipped out a mitt for myself out of my leftover white alpaca. I lurve it. And I have already got a good start on the second. My own design, just plain. Inch of ribbing, stockinette, ribbing on the thumb and another inch of ribbing on the top.

As an aside the whole time I'm typing this my inner monolouge has had a London accent, as a consequence of me watching Doctor Who all day long. Seriously- all day long. I did mounds of laundry, vacummed, knitted, and watched The Doctor. We have Series One and Two on DVD. (Barnes and Noble was having a buy one get one free sale on all TV discs, and at 100 bucks a Series this was a great deal- but I didn't buy them)

On the plus side I can now breath out of my nose! Yeah! I'm going to try tonight with no Nyquil and see how it goes.
In Family News- LB and Topher have made it past the first round of their tryouts. They passed the test and were interviewed they will find out tomorrow if they will go on again. They saw a fake taping of the Price is Right. It was testing out a tryout host for after Bob retires. They are going to see Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight.

Since I've upgraded to the new blogger I can't get it to spell check. Its really annoying.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Thanks for the well wishing Jessie, but I wasn't sick. It was Mom's birthday. I guess I forgot to mention that. A great time was had by all. We went to Austins. I had never been there. It was pretty good. The server was a high school friend of Chris's. We had dinner then came home and did the cake thing. We didn't eat any of it because we were so full, just sang and blew out candles. Mom liked her mitten and a half. Usually when she walks in the mornings when its cold she has to wear mitten and gloves. This, I hope will be beter. Then we played "Shout about TV" Of course Chris won but I did beat him on the Transformers question so I have that to my credit.

Knitting is coming along. I reached the longest drop on my Clap, it was such a rush. I'm thinking about another one done out of Handmaiden SeaSilk. I think one skein will be just about enough. I've seen some very pretty colors for it. Rose Garden is my favorite- pink and green.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

We've got that stomach bug going around at work too. One of the managers had it yesterday. A seafood guy had it too. My friend Terry's mom had it but lied to Terry about how long she'd had it ( told her a few days really for about a week) so she ended up in the hospital with her organs starting to shut down. Now Terry is sick too. Poor thing. Get lots of sleep, drink lots of water and have an orange.

I sent Chris into Sophies to get more fleece for me. They were out. But whoever helped him knew it was for me. I think is was Maria. He was fuzzy on the details but he knew she was about his age and cute. So Mom is getting a mitten and a half. So now I can start on my fingerless gloves, or the fair isle hat, or the clogs I promised my aunt, or finish one of my many ufos.

I will probably be missing knitting this week so someone else will have to wear the top hat.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Well yall its the new year. Hot Damn. Blabbity blah resolutions and such, reminice about the old year. I love my Bitches! That is all.

I went and got my car washed today even though I knew it was going to rain again. Thanks to Steph I was able to retreive my fallen knit magnet. I remembered halfway though the wash that you can lose your magnet, and sure enough I looked out the window and saw it on the ground. I got out after it was done and scooped it up. Right next to a breast cancer and a support our troops. Unfortunately one of my windows was down just a bit. I knew I should have checked, my little cousin rolled down the window a bit and I wasn't sure if she rolled it up all the way- she didn't. So now my car smells like the rasberry clear coat they sprayed, and so does my arm from leaning back to roll it up.

I finished one of Mom's thrummed mittens and am about to put stitches on the needle for the thumb on the other, but I have run out of fleece for the thrums. I really hope they have more periwinkle fleece. Wednesday is her birthday. I've got seven more drops on my clap before I decrease. Next up is my first fair isle. I'm having problems with it already. The pattern calls for two strands of worsted weight held together, but I did not feel like paying that much and worrying about two strands for my first fair isle. So Maria got me to get bulky instead. The pattern call for a size 11 but the yarn calls for a size 7. The hat is supposed to be snug anyway, but I fear that making it with a 7 will be too small and the 11 will be way too loose. Maybe I will try to add another repeat with the smaller size needles.

I got a new fake puppy today. Sammy the Miniature Dachshund was joined by Dori the Shih Zue. I love my fake dogs. Sammy is up to the second class of the frisbee competition. That's what earned me enough money to buy Dori.