Rock Out With Your Sock Out

now spinning right round like a record

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Babysat again today... them kids just about kicked my ass. It was fine for the first few hours. It was just me and the little girl. We watched the morning lineup on PBS, part of it while she was laying sprawled on me. Loved it! Read about becoming a Pirate. Then she fixed my hair for a half an hour with her Barbie "hair dryer" and comb. Loved it! I love love LOVE to have my hair played with. It puts me a trance. Then we henced to the duck pond to feed the ducks, that weren't there. So we fed the fish.
Then the mom went and got the boy. We played outside whilst she painted up stairs. "Push me, push me!" "hold on I've got to see why your brother is screaming bloody murder." "push me awsin!" Repeat. The mom had to leave again to pick up the middle child (14) and the little boy started Fa-reaking Out! Everything set him off. It was nap time. I wasn't sure if he was a comfort or plop em and leave em napper, so I picked comfort. Wrong. But so nice. I was rocking him with his head firmly betwix my boosoms. That lovely hot baby feeling. Loved it. He wouldn't let me put him down so I just let him go about his business. After a diaper change and a snack he was a lot better. The girl on the other hand, full on leg kicking tantrum. "Just let me know when your done and we can get some juice" Much wagoning until mom got home and I got out of there.
thumbs up- cute fun kids, mucho moneyo,
thumbs down- no nap on my day off, flop flops are not walking shoes, major sunburn on my face

I didn't even get to sleep in today as I had to drive Topher all the way out to Grant Line Rd this morning for the second time this week because his car is in the shop. And he will have to drop me off and take mine tomorrow. My poor car already has something wrong with it (hell if I know what it is) this can't be good for it, especially not the way he drives.

Still working on the Sweet tart socks. My new Sockotta keeps looking at me from the stash, even though I want to do the Jaywalkers.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Wow, I just love babysitting. I haven't done it in forever but I did today. The kids are 2 and 3 and just adorable. The 3 year old, a girl, is a cuddler and laid all over me whilst watching Willy Wonka and Futurama. I really miss that. Now I smell like baby. Delightful. Plus I made 60 bucks. Damnit I'm rich now. So going to Close Knit tomorrow.

I'm seriously thinking about a Pi shawl. A bit nervous about maybe trying to customize it with different patterns. I'm so fiddly about what lace patterns I like. Peacock was pretty much the only pattern for a lace shawl that I loved.

I finally planted the lilac I bought last Friday. Poor thing. The damn plant gave me a headache when I was driving home with it in the back seat. Too strong. No side effects today. The previous owners had two semicircles against the fence, edged in scalloped bricks and filled with pea gravel. I can't figure out what was their purpose. Maybe to sit planters on? I took out the gravel and plopped the bush in there. I'd like to get a hydrangea for the other one. Maybe on the other side of the yard. I can't remember at the moment whether they like full sun or not. I just wish flowers weren't so expensive. I buy anything substantial and I blow all my mad money for the week. I'm really waiting for Memorial Day when Kroger is having a BOGO sale on hanging baskets. There are 6 hooks attatched to the fences and I'm ready for color!

Monday, May 15, 2006


I've got the Disney Itch again. It has crept up on me. Watching a commercial, I think "Damn Its been forever since I've been to Disney World." When I tell Mom this, she so wisely points out that it has been a week over a year since we went last. And that we had gone to Disneyland in October. Oh. We were there last year for the big Happiest Homecoming on Earth Celebration. And for LB's birthday. 05-05-05. (50-50-50 backwards for the 50th anniversary of Disneyland) That was the day of both land and sea on our Land and Sea Vacation.

*turns head to look at camera two*
In knitting news I'm Working on sock two of the Simply Stripes Sweetarts without having finished the first sock. Take that SSS! I'm rocking two circulars for this one. Which is making is come out so much smaller because its not in a constant state of stretch. So last night I went whole hog and put both of them on the same set of circs, even though one is on the leg and the other is almost to the toe. I'm a knitter on the edge people. Its a bit fiddly and not as smooth as working with just one sock.

Friday, May 12, 2006


Your Attention Please!
I have finished the Peacock Feathers Shawl. The Peacock is done, blocked, and worn. Bow down to my mad knitterly skills. What what! And just to top it off, I finished the Kitchen Sink Bag too. But now I need a new project. Socks just don't give you that same finished project high. Maybe I'll just wait until I get my new knitting book for my birthday.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Derby Day

Of course I had to work all day. But I took my break at race time. We sat there waiting for the race to come on then realized that its on a station that our crap work TV doesn't get. Crap. My pick, Keyed Entry (chosen by name), as per my usual Derby pick, lead the pack then crapped out.

The one good thing was I didn't have any customers in my way for most of the night so I finished all the tags with time to spare. Go me!

My cousin stalked me at work a bit and brought her new puppy up to see me. Murphy is a 7 week old Fox Wire Terrier and the sweetest little thing ever. She even has a car seat for him. He practically fit in my smock pocket.

Just the handle to go in Kitchen Sink and 241/249!

Friday, May 05, 2006

day off

What a glorious day off so far. I woke up crazy early at 6, but I still got 8 hours. Translation? I'm an 80 year old woman that goes to bed at 10. But you would be amazed at what you can get accomplished. Today is my sister's birthday so I wanted to write all over her car windows before she got up. But I didn't know what time she had to be at work. I kept thinking that if I go know she is going to see me doing it. I keep putting it off and off and finally went at 8:15. And as I'm pull into the subdivision she is pulling out. Doh. She calls me up and I tell her I'm coming for Mom's spade. Pretty sneaky sis. But there is no way I'd get the damn thing. I'd have to fight the possum that has taken up residence in the shed to get it. No matter how much Stephani wants some possum yarn.

I planted a mandevilla this morning. I want to get a trellis for it. They climb like weeds but bloom so pretty. We have a trellis already, but its got something growing on it. I have no idea if its a weed or what. We have another trellis but I know that's got clematis on it cause its blooming like crazy. Beautiful big violet blooms. The left half of the yard is an herb garden. I think. Some of it sure smells like mint and others look like sage. There is a strawberry plant but I'm not sure if that's a weed. I know I've seem wild strawberries before, but I think this is too big to be wild. Meanwhile through all my planting the dogs on both sides are barking like crazy. On one side its a Scotty and the other some kind of anklebitters. The damn anklebitters barked at me in my own home the other day. The could see over the fence (as I was on the second story) and started yapping. I cannot imagine what it was like when the previous owners lived here with their two big dogs.

I discovered that my fountain has a leak. Poo. It did come with the house so I'm not too put out. I unplugged it. I know you have to refill them periodically but I had to do it everyday, even when it was cloudy and cool. My roses have started blooming despite my serious pruning.

The Kitchen Sink bag is almost finished, I'm one row away from the handles. Peacock is on row 235 of 249. I'm so close I can smell it. Now I need to get an E sized crochet hook for the edging. Remember E. I never remember what letter I need when I'm at Sophies.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

stitch and bitch

As usual was awesome. I love all my bitches. Even though I don't win anything anymore because there is a pool of more than 3, I still love the new folks.

I need to hook up the digital camera so I can be a daily picture poster type person. I am on my last row of mesh of the Kitchen Sink bag before working the top. It only sat unworked up stairs for a month. Then I was blazin on it and I ran out of yarn. So I had to break into my contacts savings to get so new stuff. I get paid tomorrow so it should be all good. I did spend the whole drive home debating if I should get gas. And i will probably do it again tomorrow morning. I'm pretty sure I have enough to get to work. And once I get paid its only about a hundred yards to the gas station.

Finally using the damn thing

I only signed up for blogger a year ago, but I've never posted. I'm just really tired of Livejournal. Welcome Aboard.