Rock Out With Your Sock Out

now spinning right round like a record

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Friday night we went and saw the Mason-Dixon Ladies at Joseph-Beth in Lexington. Much fun was had by me... and Holly and Jessie and Iris... I assume. We left Humana (ps blogger doesn't recognize Humana as a word) super early so that we would beat rush hour and would have time to hit Rebelle. What we failed to realize was that Keeneland was open and generates a lot of traffic. We spent an additional hour slowly inching toward town. We made it fun and the baby was asleep so it was all good. As time ran out we realized that we were going to miss Rebelle, then miss dinner. Rebelle is a pretty granola crunching shop, they sell a lot of recycled items, alternative feminine products, homeopathic tinctures- they also have free condoms. We started joking about because we couldn't get our free condoms that we were going to have to have unprotected sex and get pregnant, and have to name the baby Keeneland because it was all stupid Keeneland's fault. Except it could be Qeann-L'layynde. The talk was cool (much small crowd than for the Harlot). We got dinner afterward and Iris was a doll. She actually came to me and let me hold her without crying. Holly dropped me off at my non-clockwork orange house. My car was still at work but I figured I could pick it up on Saturday when I was down there for the Race for the Cure.

Saturday we all schlepped downtown including Julian. We had to park forever away. I wore my Hallowig and got many compliments. After the race I was just going to go straight to my car but I forgot the keys in LB's car so I decided to forget about it and just get it the next day.

This morning we went downtown again to get my car... And it was broken into. They broke the tiny triangle back window and stole the radio. I really didn't give a shit about the radio, my brother gave it to me about 4 years ago for my birthday and it was only about 60 bucks brand new. The factory cassette player is still in the trunk. What really sucks is that they had a lot of trouble getting it out so the console has been pulled out and is cracked. My blinkers don't work and I don't want to think about what would happen if I try to turn on the heat (the vents are pulled wonky). They stole my cds but they were mostly Mix CDs and the others were on my ipod, so have fun listening to Favorite Christmas buddy. They got my garage door opener but I'm not that worried about it because- A. we always lock the inner door to the garage and B. even if they were smart enough to think to look for something with my address on it in the glove box- everything has Mom's address on it.

I take some perverse satisfaction in knowing they probably did it at night, and I have no over head light. Also I'm pretty sure they closed the inside passenger door at some point because the passenger door window was rolled down. As anyone who has ever ridden in my passenger seat will know- it doesn't open from the inside, you have to roll the window down and open it from the outside.

I'm going to call State Farm tomorrow and see if I can file a claim on the window. I doubt it though. At least they only broke the little window that doesn't roll up or anything. I was picking up the car to take it to have it looked at about another problem anyway. I left him a note so that he knows that it didn't happen at his shop and to ask if he can fix any of it. The shop is the autotech department that is part of my mom's work. The mechanic is teach juvies and crazy kids how to fix cars- lets hope some of the juvies know about stolen radios. If not, I think I might have someone in the family that is handy with things like car stereos and the like. Fingers crossed.

Of course Mom could not help "told you so-ing" me. "You should have picked it up Saturday." I checked as we walked by on Saturday that the car was still there, but I was too far away to see if anything was wrong. Can't be helped now Mom. I am dreading going over there tonight for dinner. I don't want to hear about it all night.

I was thinking of waiting until December for my Fit, but I think that plan has been pushed up. I guess I will see what the damage is going to be. Maybe end of the month? Help a car salesman meet his quota.